Project Warm



Project W.A.R.M., an all-volunteer effort, began in 1976 by one man who had seen a TV news story of a woman burning her clothes and furniture to stay warm during a particularly cold season. In time, it expanded to a partnership including the City of Richmond, The Salvation Army, the Richmond and Tuckahoe Jaycees and is currently a banner project of The Rotary Club of Richmond. Mary Ann Wilson and Will Schroeder carry on this tradition with members from our club.


Many families in Metro Richmond rely on firewood as a primary or supplementary home heating source and are without adequate resources to provide this necessity on their own. All expenses are borne by the volunteers. Rotarians with pick-up trucks are especially needed during the winter months. Any families in Metropolitan Richmond rely on firewood as a primary or supplementary home heating fuel. Of those, a significant number are not able to acquire that fuel on their own. In so far as the means available to it will allow, Project W.A.R.M. endeavors to relieve that burden for as many of our less fortunate neighbors as possible.

How We Help

 Rotarian volunteers are key to this rewarding and unique project's success.  Wood is split (using gas-supplied splitters) during the Spring/Summer months (late Tuesday afternoons) and continues during the delivery season (November-March) (from 9-Noon Saturdays).  The woodlot is located at a city-owned maintenance lot behind John Marshall High School off Chamberlayne & North Avenues.  Supervised children of all ages have found working on this project fun and rewarding and are most welcome if accompanied by a responsible adult.


Blood Drive


Salvation Army Bell Ringing